बुधवार, १ फेब्रुवारी, २०१७

लाखांचा पेन वापरतो . 20 लाखाचा सूट घालतो . आन आईला 2000 रुपयांसाठी लाईनला उभेकरतो . आपल्याला नाय पटले .

33हजार रुपये किलो चे जवानी टिकवणारे  मशरूम खातो .

1.50 लाखांचा पेन वापरतो .

20 लाखाचा सूट घालतो .

आन आईला 2000 रुपयांसाठी लाईनला उभेकरतो . आपल्याला नाय पटले .
Revealed! PM Modi Keeps Himself Healthy by Eating These Mushrooms Which Cost Rs 30,000 per Kg
Raghwendra Shukla | Sep 16,2016 06:13:00 PM IST
Revealed! PM Modi Keeps Himself Healthy by Eating These Mushrooms Which Cost Rs 30,000 per Kg
Ever since Narendra Modi became Prime Minister, the only thing people are talking about is his rigorous work routine. He works almost 16 to 18 hours every day and that too without taking a break. Despite all this, he manages to keep himself fit with a combination of Yoga and healthy diets.

But very few people know that PM Modi eats mushrooms, found in Himachal, on a daily basis to keep himself active and lively. Interestingly, they cost nearly Rs 30,000 per kg.

Modi himself had revealed this and he is eating these mushrooms since he was BJP national secretary for party activities in Himachal Pradesh. He had revealed this to reporters during an unofficial conversation after becoming Gujarat Chief Minister.

“The secret of my good health is mushrooms of Himachal Pradesh. They have various health benefits,” he had reportedly said.

The scientific name of this mushroom is Morchella esculenta and is generally found in Himachal Pradesh. It commands a huge demand globally.

These mushrooms are the main source of income for villagers of Himachal Pradesh. They start collecting the mushrooms in March and continue it till May-end. It is dried before being sold.


आन आईला 2000 रुपयांसाठी लाईनला उभेकरतो . आपल्याला नाय पटले .

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